Easy Brew now has a great 'Site Search' tool that can easily be added to your Easy Brew website, with a couple of clicks in the CMS.
The tool applies a site-wide search to all available pages and posts, returning results grouped by pages. This means if you search for a term that is listed multiple times on a single page, the results will display this as one instance so that you are not spammed with dozens of results. For example in the image below, you can see we've searched for the term "easy". This has resulted in references on 9 different pages/post across the site.
We recognise that a 'Site Search' tool is not necessary for every site though, especially those that are single page scrollers or just a couple of pages in size. So if you don't want the little magnifying glass displayed in your navigation bar, have no fear, as we've made this feature something that you can easily toggle on and off via the CMS. To do so, simply log into the CMS and then go to: Site Configuration > Global Settings > Navigation Menu and then check or uncheck the "Hide search box" field as required. See below:
Some other good-to-know features of the Site Search tool include;
- Content on deleted pages won't be indexed in the search results
- Content on unpublished pages / content blocks / posts won't be indexed in the search results
- All content blocks are searchable
Happy searching!
We are constantly updating Easy Brew with new features and general site improvements. If you have any suggestions on other improvement we can make, please drop an email to hello@codebrewery.com or user our contact form.
Cover photo by Forest Simon on Unsplash